William P. and Hazel B. White Assistant Professor of Psychology
Professor Rose's lab conducts research on the cognitive neuroscience of memory and aging. We study the neurocognitive processes that support working memory, long-term memory, and prospective memory in healthy young adults, healthy older adults, and in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or amnesia. Our research uses neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG/ERP, fNIRS) and neurostimulation (TMS, tDCS) technologies and behavioral assessments to test and inform theories of memory and aging. In addition to studying basic memory processes, our research also assesses how cognitive theories can be applied to understanding memory performance in the real world and how cognitive training and noninvasive brain stimulation techniques can be utilized to improve memory performance.
The White Professorships were established with gifts from the W.P. & H.B. White Foundation. William and Hazel’s children, William P. White Jr. (’39) and Roger B. White (’50), were graduated from Notre Dame’s College of Engineering.