Presentations & Posters
Waner, J.L., Rhilinger, J.P., Metcalf, I.J., & Rose, N.S. (2020, June). Trigger my memory: How rTMS to visual and frontal cortex impacts latent visual working memory representations. 12-minute presentation given at the Virtual Working Memory Symposium; 2020 June 4; Online.
Rose, N.S., Yeh, N., & Widhalm, M. (2019). How to use transcranial magnetic stimulation to modulate and measure memories in humans? Co-Organizer and Chair of Nanosymposium for the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Rose, N.S. (2019). The association between age and individual differences in prospective memory and working memory depends on task context: evidence from performance in real and virtual environments. Invited paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Spain.
Rose, N.S. (2019). Twenty years of the “Age - Prospective Memory Paradox”: Still unsolved? Invited paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition, Cape Cod, MA.
Test-Retest and Construct Validity of the Cognigram Computerized Concussion Assessment Tool in Amateur Women’s Boxing.
Weiler, J. & Rose, N.S.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 2019, San Francisco, CA
The Efficacy of a Single-Session Exposure Therapy Using Virtual Reality
Saito, J., Lam, J., Rose, N.S., Villano, M., Cougle, J.R., Hames, J.L.
Notre Dame Advanced Diagnostics & Therapeutics External Review, March 2019, Notre Dame, IN
Attentional effects on working memory representations: comparing information-detection techniques and metrics.
Miller, J.A., Scimeca, J., Rose, N.S., & D’Esposito, M.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 2018, San Diego, CA
Can TMS to Visual Cortex Reactivates Unattended Representations Held in Visual Working Memory?
Widhalm, M. & Rose, N.S.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 2018, San Diego, CA
Medial PFC has a causal role in selectively enhanced consolidation of emotional memories: a TMS-EEG study.
Yeh, N., Kim, S., Payne, J. & Rose, N.S.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 2018, San Diego, CA
Validation of Virtual Reality for Measuring Prospective Memory in Young and Older Adults.
Saito, J. & Rose, N.S.
Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, May 2018, San Francisco, CA
Effects of concussion on Cognigram and experimental measures of neurocognition.
Rose, N.S., Meserve, M., Alexander, C., Kehoe, K., & Brockmole, J.R.
Midwestern Psychological Association, April 2018, Chicago, IL
Can TMS to Visual Cortex Reactivate Unattended Representations Held in Visual Working Memory?
Widhalm, M. & Rose, N.S.
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 2018, Chicago, IL
They forgot their "baby"!: Incidental encoding causes students to forget their mobile phones
Rose, N.S., Csik, A.M. & O’Rear, A.E.
International Conference on Prospective Memory, January 2018, Melbourne, AUS
Discriminating between the past and future: Evidence from multi-voxel pattern analysis in younger and older adults
Rose, N.S., Szpunar, K.K., Goodin, P., Rendell, P.G., & Schacter, D.L.
International Conference on Prospective Memory, January 2018, Melbourne, AUS
“The Dynamic Processing Model of Working Memory
Rose, N.S.
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 2017, Vancouver, BC, CA
Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis Reveals both Similarities and Differences Between Imagining the Future and Remembering the Past.
Rose, N.S. Szpunar, K.K. Maillet, D. Postle, B.R. & Schacter, D.L.
Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging Conference, June 2017, Toronto, ON, CA
Decoding the content of thought in younger and older adults during remembering and imagining
Rose, N.S., Szpunar, K.K., Goodin, P., Rendell, P.G., & Schacter, D.L.
International Conference on Memory, June 2016, Budapest, Hungary
How to Help Older Adults Remember to Remember Better
Rose, N.S.
Cognitive Aging Conference, May 2016, Atlanta, GA
Can transcranial magnetic stimulation bring passively retained items in short-term memory back into focal attention?
Rose, Nathan., LaRocque, Joshua., Riggall, Adam., Gosseries, Olivia., Starrett, Michael., Postle, Bradley.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April 2016, New York, NY
“Is tDCS even doing anything?”: Effects on working memory performance and brain activity simultaneously recorded with optical neuroimaging.
Koleits, N., Rose, N.S., Goodin, P., & Rendell, P. (in prep).
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April 2016, New York, NY
Decoding Grapheme-Color Synesthesia Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis
Gosavi, Radhika., Meyering, Emma., Rose, Nathan., Postle, Bradley., Hubbard, Edward.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April 2016, New York, NY
Multivariate assessment of biased competition in human visual attention
Saad, E., Starrett, M. J., LaRocque, J. J., Rose, N. S., & Postle, B. R.
Nanosymposium: Assessment and Modulation of Human Working Memory
Society for Neuroscience, October 2015, Chicago, IL
Decoding grapheme-color synesthesia using multivariate pattern analysis
Gosavi, R.*, Meyering, E. E.*, Rose, N. S., Postle, B. R., & Hubbard, E. M.
Society for Neuroscience, October 2015, Chicago, IL
* These authors contributed equally
Decoding grapheme-color synesthesia using multivariate pattern analysis
Gosavi, R. S., Meyering, E. E., Rose, N. S., Hubbard, E. M., & Postle, B. R.
Neuroimaging, Computational Neuroscience, and Neuroengineering Workshop, April 2015, Madison, WI
Are items in working memory stored with long-term memory mechanisms?
Rose, N. S., Meyering, E. E., Baker, S., Rosenbaum, R. S., Dang, C., Buchsbaum, B. B., & Postle, B.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 2015, San Francisco, CA
EEG and behavioral effects of delay-period rTMS
Starrett, M.J., Rose, N.S., Riggall, A.C., Samaha, J., & Postle, B.R.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 2015, San Francisco, CA
Evidence for a synaptic theory of working memory: An fMRI/EEG/TMS study
Rose, N.S., LaRocque, J.J., Riggall, A.C., Gosseries, O., and Postle, B.R.
Session: Working Memory I
Psychonomic Society, November 2014, Long Beach, CA
Are items in working memory, but outside focal attention, stored with long-term memory mechanisms?
Meyering, E.E., Rose, N.S., Rosenbaum, R.S., and Postle, B.R.
Psychonomic Society, November 2014, Long Beach, CA
What are the neurophysiological bases of attended and unattended items in short-term memory? An fMRI/EEG/TMS study
Rose, N.S., LaRocque, J.J., Riggall, A.C., Gosseries, O., and Postle, B.R.
Nanosymposium: Working memory
Society for Neuroscience, November 2014, Washington, D.C.
Frontoparietal contributions to the short-term retention of motion and color
Riggall, A.C., Rose, N.S., Starrett, M.S., and Postle, B.R.
Nanosympossium: Working memory
Society for Neuroscience, November 2014, Washington, D.C.
Behavioral and EEG effects of rTMS on recall of items inside versus outside the focus of attention
Starrett, M.J., Rose, N.S., Riggall, A.C., and Postle, B.R.
Society for Neuroscience, November 2014, Washington, D.C.
rTMS/EEG of MT+ during STM for transparent motion
Sheldon, A.D., Samaha, J., Rose, N.S., Riggall, A.C., Huang, X., and Postle, B.R.
Society for Neuroscience, November 2014, Washington, D.C.